Teradata provides base CDs to install the TTU client software on various platforms.
Select the CD for the platform you need to install on and run the setup script. (I installed twice as there were errors reported due to dependency issues the first time but this was probably not necessary). This will install the base versions of the software.
You then need to download the latest versions of the TTU modules from the Teradata-at-your-Service (T@YS) website.
Unfortunately not all patch downloads require the same install procedure and you need to read the README notes to determine the best order for the install. Also - it appears that the initial installer installed some modules that weren't necessary. I have been meaning to work on an automatic upgrader but you seldom do these upgrades so haven't got round to it (something Teradata should provide imho). I will post if I get round to it.
This small script is used to show the current Teradata TTU versions running on our RHE Linux clients.
PATCH_LIST="bteq-12 cliv2_64-12 cliv2-12 mqaxsmod-12 npaxsmod-12 papi_x8664_c000-12 papic000-12 pddlc000-12 pdtcc000-12 pexp_x664_c000-12 pexpc000-12 picu_x8664_c000-12 picuc000-12 pinsc000-12 piom-12 plod_x8664_c000-12 plodc000-12 podbcc000-12 poscc000-12 posl_x8664_c000-12 poslc00-12 pselc000-12 pstm_x8664_c000-12 pstmc000-12 pupd_x8664_c000-12 pupdc000-12 tbldc000-12 tdicu_64-12 tdicu-12 tdodbc-12 TeraGSS_redhatlinux-i386-12 TeraGS_suselinux-x8664-12"
for p in `echo $PATCH_LIST`
#echo "Check for patch $p"
rpm -qa | grep $p
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Patch missing: $p"
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